Jewel Drops
Jewel Drops
The fantastic Nuvo Jewel Drops create a self-levelling embellishment with a translucent finish. The eight subdued shades provide a softer touch to your design which can be used in combination with various card stocks to create unique effects. The Nuvo Jewel Drop formula dries hard, making them a superb choice for use in a number of projects, from papercraft to home decor.
30ml/1fl.oz bottle, available in 8 colours.
We are adding another fantastic range to our ever growing Nuvo range. This amazing range of Jewel drops consists of 8 colours that are different to our other drops because they allow you to create a translucent drop. This gives you a glass like effect and can be paired with different card stock to give different effects. The colours in the range have more of a pastel appearance and are softer colours in comparison to our other drops. They also dry harder so than our other drops allowing you to make small beads to add to a number of projects outside of paper craft.